Amano TimeGuardian MTX-30 software information

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We have been selling and providing advice on Amano TimeGuardian software since 1997. This software comes with the new Amano MTX-30 time clock systems, and is backwards compatible with the FPT-80 and MTX-15 time clock terminals. Works with both bar codes, mag swipe, pin entry, and biometric clocks - both fingerprint time clocks and handpunch time clocks.
Basic software features:
100 employees, 2 administrators
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, 8, 10, Server 2018 and newer
Support pay periods (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly or monthly
Rounding: None (pay to the minute) 1/4 hour, or create your own - in includes a tester program so you can see how your idea would work!
Advanced Rounding Module (an available upgrade) allows you to set up IN-PUNCH ROUND ZONES, which solve early IN-Punching.
Unlimited schedules, designed for monitoring, not enforcement. Upgrade to advanced scheduling and it generates reports for schedule violations.