Proxipen Software Developers Kit
GCS Topguard Patrol and Patrol Plus software is designed to meet all standard guard tour requirements. Occasionally GCS customers have special requirements or want to use data downloaded from Proxipen data collection units for completely different purposes. In order to make this a straightforward process GCS have produced a Software Developers Kit. The SDK can be used by a software developer to take data from the Proxipen download file into their own applications. Any Microsoft development tool such as Visual Basic, C++ or C# can be used to create the link. The SDK is now available from stock. The part number is PROXI-PEN-SDK.

New Proxipen Manual
Complementing the Quick Set-Up Manual supplied in the Proxipen starter kits, our Technical Department have written an enhanced guide providing detailed instructions on: - setting up a Proxipen, setting up Topguard software, setting up a new guard tour system, adding points/tags into existing tours, generating reports, etc. This is available to download in English from our website Proxipen Manual v1.0. Various language versions will become available shortly