Buddy Punching

Buddy Punching is a major issue for employeers.  It shows a lack of respect between the employees, and those who write the pay check.  Here are a few ideas on how to control buddy punching.

By far, the best solution is to use a biometric time clock.  With a biometric system, it is nearly impossible to buddy punch.  The best of them is the Hand Punch.  You simply cannot beat the Hand Punch, or as it is called, the Hand Reader.  Hand Readers are, as of 2006, made solely by RSI, one sources.  Several models are available:  HP50e, HP1000, HP2000, HP3000, and the HP4000.  Contact us for more information about this.

The second best solution is to use a finger reader, or Finger Print Identification Unit (FIU).  These have a much higher incidence of failure and are beatable.  However, in a small clean office with under 25 employees, this is often an excellent choice.  Count Me In makes a FIU that enrolls all ten digits, other manufacturer's allow just one finger.

Another solution is to have the employee use their entire Social Security Number, or the last 6 digits of it, as their PIN number on a PIN entry system. They are unlikely to share that number.

Yet another creative way is to put a camera - or a fake camera - above the time clock, and tell people with  a sign “Buddy Punching is Illegal.  We want you to keep your job.  Please don't do it.“  Usually they get the message.