Netbell-NTG Tone and Message Generator and scheduled controller
Combines two normally separate systems in to one:
The tone generator and the scheduling timer.
Takes it a few steps further:
Adds the ability to record your own personal messages.
Synchronizes the time with the NTSP clocks on the internet - so it's spot-on accurate!
You can run this locally, or extremely remotely - across the web.
Easy setup.
You download the most updated program into the controller, then set up the times.

UPC: 01-910-00059
Includes two circuits, and the ability to run them separately.
Netbell Tone Generator
If you have a PA system in place and are looking for a device to generate and schedule different tones to signal different events, our tone generator is your perfect solution. The Netbell-NTG is a network enabled, all-in-one system that can be used to produce timed or manually triggered different sounds for different events through an existing PA system.
Built-in Web-Based Bell Controller/Multi-Tone Message Generator,:
Self-contained, ease of scheduling, remote access. No addtional software or designated computer required.
Then Netbell-NTG Multi-Tones/Multi-Messages Generator is designed to send out scheduled audible alerts for an existing Public Address (PA) System for signaling start and stop work, lunch breaks, shift changes, general alarms, service notification in schools, factories, businesses, warehouses, industrial facilities, distribution centers, commercial buildings, and more.
Life-Time Free Support:
Linortek products are designed, engineered, manufactuered and supported by our team, located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
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