Detex Reliant Guard Kit
All orders placed after 6/1/2019 are Windows 10 Ready
P/N REL-Plus-KIT-8
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Detex Reliant Plus Watchman Guard Tour System
Reliant PLUS from DETEX provides a complete, simple-to-use solution for guard tour verification and other data collection tasks.
Designed for Windows XP through Windows 10
Includes everything you need to quickly and easily set up a complete guard tour system.
rugged Reliant data acquisition unit, stainless steel iButton® touch-memory checkpoints and the user-friendly Reliant PLUS communication and reporting software.
Click here to download and read the owners manual.
- You need a bullet-proof system that requires your guards to go to various checkpoints and watchman stations.
- You need records that prove that the work is being done.
- You want printed reports of the times and dates that your men checked the property, every month.
- You want Exception Reports, Incident Reports, and more.
- 24 month guarantee
- With this system, you can do just that.
- Provides detailed records which not only justify the labor costs, it also helps you tweak the efficiency of your guard staff.
- This sets you aside from the competition - you raise the bar.
Detex allows one free technical support call within the first 30 days of installation of this system. After that, there is a nominal annual fee for support, if needed.
Reliant PLUS Kit
Reliant PLUS Kit REL-Plus-KIT-8
Designed for Windows XP through Windows 8, Windows 10
Always In Stock, we ship the same or next business day
In the box:
- (1) Detex Reliant Reader & Case Security Key
- (1) Detex Reliant downloader - RS232 and USB
- (1) Nylon Holster
- (1) Password protected Reliant guard tour software
- (10) (TEN) Recording Stations (also called checkpoints)
- (2) Guard ID Keys (this is a keyfob with an iButton)
- Identifies which guard did the tour
- (1) User Manual (on CD in PDF format, printable)
- (1) Incident Booklet with 99 programmable incidents
- No Batteries, you will need to source out batteries. We sell them.
- Multiple Watchmen
- Multiple Supervisors
- Multiple Recorders
- Multiple Recording Stations
- Multiple Incident Messages (using the Incident Booklet)
- Password Protected
- Archive Management
- Exports Reports
- Bi-Lingual operation (English or Spanish)
Detex Reliant Watchman Clock Software Reports:
- All Security Tours by Date & Time
- By Name of element to be controlled
- Checkpoint-Station, Vehicle, Prison Cell, Guard number, etc
- By Type of element to be controlled (see above)
- By Recorder employed
- By Incident Messages or Regular Messages
- Missed Stations (Exceptions) Report
- Wrong Stations - went to a place not on the tour - Report
- Performance & Exceptions Report
- Exports reports to Excel or other databases
Guard Sign-Off (download this)
If the staff uses this form, you can bet they will not break the equipment.
We made this, you should use it.