Amano MJR signal kit
Fits Amano MJR7000, MJR7000EZ and all Amano MJR8000 clocks

Schedule up to 28 ring events across 7 days.
7:00AM 9:10: 9:20 (break) 11:30 11:58 (warning) 12:00 noon, end of lunch
2:30PM 2:40 (break) 3:25 (5 minute warning) 3:30PM end of day
Each event runs Monday, Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Friday
Saturday: 8:00 and 12:00 noon - for that occasional 1/2 day
Nothing rings on Sunday (or, yes, ring it on Sunday).
This is just 12 events. You would still have 18 events left.
** Requires that you own an Amano MJR7000 or MJR8000 self totaling time clock
Add up to 5 more bells, run them out to 500' from the clock.
We recommend 1 bell per every 15,000 sq feet