Amano AFR-200 with bell kit
This includes all the advanced features of the Amano AFR-100 and AFR-200 series clocks, the updated Time Guardian software, PLUS, the hardware you need to run bells (or buzzers). It includes two loud 6" fire bells, a custom built power supply to ring the bells, lables for all the connections, and more.
Run up to 8 bells from EACH clock. Put a second clock in another building, it can also ring bells from the same schedule. Your entire operation will be synchronized to your network time.
The employee walks up, stops, glances at the clock, it signals them that they'e been recognized, and the employee goes off to work. No chance for buddy punching, no chance for a grubby finger to be misread. New for 2020, it automatically updates the punch records on your server or PC after each punch registration.
Use reusable RFID keyfobs or badges for temp workers, or enroll them with their smilin' faces.
Variable duration rings allow you to set up a short ring to tell them to begin break or lunch, and a longer ring to get back to work when break is over. You typically recover 10 minutes in productivity per employee using a bell signaling system. One hour a week, it really adds up fast!
Keeps time and registers punches even when the network connection is down.
AFR-200 ethernet and Wi/Fi facial recognition clock terminal
100 employee/2 manager software (everything is upgradeable!)
6' ethernet cable, Software CD, kick-start manual, full manual is downloadable from the CD
(2) 98db bells, separate power supply
Alternative Communication Options: Use VPN, PortForwarding, and/or DMZ
You can also ring your existing bells or intercom horn system with the AFR-200. Call us if you have questions.
One Year Product Guarantee, 30 Days Factory Software Support, included.
This bell timer software, which is built-in to the Amano clock, allows you to set up as many bell ringing events as you need each day. Up to 1,440 rings per day, one for every minute, spread across seven days.
It can ring a standard schedule of events Monday - Friday, off on Saturday and Sunday, or a partial shift of different times on Saturday (and even Sunday). The bell scheduling software is capable of ringing 7 days a week, three shifts.

Shown with optional strobe lights

It's easy..
Updates to MTX-30 and new AFR clocks..
TimeGuardian 6.0 will work on Server 2012 (factory brochure says 2016) and newer.
Holds punches when the network is off.
The clock will hold the punch records in the clock until a positive connection is made to the connected computer. If the network is down, they will still work normally and capture the punches.
Lastly, all pre-purchased modules will transfer over to the new software, and employee records all transfer across to the new software. You should call Amano when you are ready to install this, to do it right, with the least amount of effort.